Contractor Page
SOW Document – Scope of Work Form.docx
Payee Document- Payee Information Form.docx
Payout Request Document- Payout Request Form.docx
You must be logged in to upload/manage the files
Frequently Asked Question!
These forms are here to expedite the process between contractor and GYOP. When bidding for a project please fill out and attach these documents via your portal. It will make for a smooth process once the contractor is accepted, and we are ready to move forward.
Yes, they are 100% protected and only accessible by the GYOP admin and your membership login through this website.
Click the log in option under user login. It will direct you to a log in page. Here if you already have an account you can use your credentials, if not please select register and set one up.
Once you’ve logged into wordpress you and the GYOP admin can access the files. You can add anyone else you’d like to access these files via email.